هذه نسخة قديمة منشورة في 2022-06-07. إقرأ النسخة الأحدث.

Evaluation of Chemical Properties and Detection of Adulteration in Cheeses Sold in Babylon Province.


  • Dalal Hamza Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tchenical University
  • Emad Hwaidi Al-Hadi University College
  • Bahaa Abdul Ameer Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

الكلمات المفتاحية:

cheeses، chemical composition، preservatives


The Study was conducted  at the laboratories of the Department of Animal Production Techniques, Al-Musaib Technical College, laboratories of Department of Animal Production Techniques , Food analysis lab in Technical Inistitute . During the period of August 2017 to May 2018.48 samples of cattle cheeses from different origin were  collected from four different regions  of  Babylon province (Hilla ,Mahawil ,Musiab ,Alexandria); these samples were divided into four groups according to types of these cheeses and each group was sub-divided into (12)  pattern according to the mark . they were group (A) contain (12) marks of imported semi soft cheeses (president, dalal, happycow, vonk, kibi, teama, la vache qui rit, puck, abu alwalad, nadec, sabah, al captin), group (B)contain (12)  marks of imported slice cheeses (hamoda, mersin, kraft, alrawabi, casar, american, heritage, danube, almarai, pride, president, nadec,), group (C) contain (12) marks of imported spreadable cheeses,( almarai, anchor, sabah, puck, smile, luna, baf, bukah, damraran, memas, momtaz, kalleh), group (D)contain (12) patterns of locally produced white soft cheeses. Each pattern of each group was  submitted to the chemical , in addition to conducting examination for the detection of some preservatives and commercial adulteration . The results of the study showed significant differences  (P<0.05) between the patterns of each group in the chemical properties, the study showed that there was a significant difference  (P<0.05) between the pattern of group (A)  in the percentage of total solid substances , moisture, fat , protein, percentage of fat\total solid substances,and dry matter but there were no significant differences  (P<0.05) between the patterns of this group in the pH  and percentage of acidity, the patterns of group (B) also reported a significant difference in the percentage of total solid substances, moisture, fat, fat\total solid substances, protein, and dry matter, and there were no significant differences in  the pH  and percentage of acidity in this group,   whereas there were a significant difference (P<0.05) between the patterns of group (C)in the  percentage of total solid substances , moisture, fat, fat\total solid substances, protein, dry matter, and the value of pH , but no significant differences in the percentage of acidity, the patterns of  group (D) are reported a significant difference (P<0.05) in the percentages of total solid substances, moisture,  fat\total solid substances, protein, dry matter, but they did not report asignificant difference in the percentages of both fat and acidity and value of pH.., The results also showed that there were some samples contain preservatives as(benzoic acid , boric acid , formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide) the samples which contain these materials were about (%8.3-%25) of total samples of each three group, while the samples of group (D) was  clear of preservatives  exept  it was contain a starch that used as a commercial fraud  in the (%8.3)samples of total studied samples of this group.


