about astigmatism in Iraqis prevalence and patterns of Astigmatic refractive errors in a sample of normal Iraqi adults


  • IMAD SALIH Mehdy Alhussein medical city

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Abbreviations 95% confidence interval ..................(95% C.I) Against the rule astigmatism..................(ATR) Diopter............................................................(D) Intraocular pressure................................(IOP) Keratometry reading in diopter................(K) Oblique astigmatism................................(OBL) With the rule astigmatism.....................(WTR)






Astigmatism is an important clinical and public health issue, it is one of major refractive errors affecting population, persistent astigmatism will cause  ametropia  and reduced visual acuity by prohibiting the formation of a clear image on the retina which will result in poor work performance.6,7



To determine the prevalence of astigmatism, and the astigmatic axis.

To investigate the differences in types and magnitude of astigmatism among different age groups and gender in a sample of normal Iraqi adults.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mehdy, I. S. (2020). about astigmatism in Iraqis prevalence and patterns of Astigmatic refractive errors in a sample of normal Iraqi adults. مجلة كربلاء الطبية, 13(1), 2287–2292. استرجع في من https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/kj/article/view/777


