Clinical & Pathological Pattern of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq


  • Ahmed Mjali Department of Hematology /Oncology, Al- Hussein Medical City, Karbala, Iraq.


Hodgkin lymphoma - Pattern - Iraq


Aims : To evaluate the pattern  of patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in Middle Euphrates region of Iraq. Materials & Methods: A retrospective study conducted at Al- Hussein cancer center in Karbala province of Iraq between February  2012 and June 2020. Results:  There were  193 patients with HL , 103 were male, 90 were female , M:F ratio was 1.14:1. Mean age at presentation was 27.17 years. Cervical lymph nodes was the common site for presentation (74.09%). Stage II  was the most frequent stage (40.93%) while  stage I was the least frequent (11.92%) . Of classical HL type , mixed cellularity was the most common (49.74%) , while nodular lymphocyte predominant was (1.55%) only. Regarding treatment outcome (79.27%)  of patients achieved complete remission  , (16.06%)  relapsed  , while (5.70%)  were refractory. Conclusion: The distribution of HL is mostly in young patients , the disease usually presented in early stage with very good response to treatment.


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How to Cite

Mjali, A. (2021). Clinical & Pathological Pattern of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq. Karbala Journal of Medicine, 13(2), 2355–2360. Retrieved from


