Comorbidity of Epilepsy and Depression in Al Husseini Teaching Hospital in Holy Kerbala /Iraq in 2018


  • Ali Mosa Al Mousawi Professor


Epilepsy, Depression, Family history, duration of disease, PHQ-9


Background: Epilepsy comorbidity with depression is well known in clinical practice. The impact of depression state is bidirectional, and similarly seizure might be causal or result of depressive state.

Material and methods: a cross-sectional study among sixty patients with epilepsy investigated the prevalence and predictors of depression among these patients. A validated well known questionnaire form (PHQ-9) was used to assess depressive state.

Results: Very high prevalence, exceeding 80%, of depression was found and this might be related to the unstable security and economic state in the country. Significant predictors were gender, duration of disease and positive video EEG findings. While patients’ age, family history of epilepsy, type of fit, the type of therapy and compliance were all not significantly associated with depression.

Conclusions: a high majority of epileptic patients suffer from depression and this might affects their response to treatment and their prognosis.


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How to Cite

Al Mousawi, A. M. (2020). Comorbidity of Epilepsy and Depression in Al Husseini Teaching Hospital in Holy Kerbala /Iraq in 2018. Karbala Journal of Medicine, 13(1), 2310–2318. Retrieved from


