The best methods for estimating the consistency coefficient using simulation


  • Khulud Yusif


Coefficient of consistency, simulation


Cronbach's alpha is a measure of reliability, Respect to a set of units Used to summarize information for most units questioners, And is called the non robust the coefficient be sensitive to violations that occur to classic model, the robust coefficient be insensitive to the data, which is a different source,he research aims to address the cases that deal with violationscoefficient of consistency Cronbach's alpha that sensitive to any Outlier data-dependent style questioners, thus in the case of violation Cronbach alpha coefficient and thus in the event of failure does not always mean lack of consistency in the questionnaire questions, but use the robust coefficient that depend on estimators S,MCD which give acceptable statistical result .
Keywords: M-Estimator, S-stimator,Robustness,Cronbach's alpha


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How to Cite

خلود يوسف. (2024). The best methods for estimating the consistency coefficient using simulation. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 12(50), 149–164. Retrieved from