The effect of the quality of work life on the psychological empowerment of workers - an exploratory study in the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali/Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf


  • Russell Karim Kazim


Quality of Work Life, Psychological Empowerment, Imam Ali Holy Shrine


Purpose: The study aims to determine the impact of quality of work life on psychological empowerment of employees, where the study focused on a sample of employees in the Imam Ali Holy Shrine. Proceeding from the realistic problem that directly influence on the overall environment work in all organizations, especially service organizations, such as the holy shrines. Thus, the study problem has been formulated as follow " psychological empowerment of employees influenced directly by the level of the quality of work life in the organization under study.
Design / Methodology: In order to complete the requirements of the current study, and represent the target population of the study, it has been depended on random sampling technique. As it was distributed 300 questionnaires directly to the target of administrative employees working in the Imam Ali Holy Shrine, and then retrieved (251) questionnaires. The number of valid questionnaires for statistical analysis was (213) with (71%) response rate.
Theoretical results: The existence of a knowledge gap to clarify the nature of the relationship between the study's variables, quality of working life and psychological empowerment of employees at organizations in general; and in the Imam Ali Holy Shrine in particular.
Practical results: Practical results showed that have been reached there is a direct effect of quality of work life on psychological empowerment of employees working in the organization under study.
Importance of the study: The scarcity of previous studies, which studied the study's variables together. this study has gained significance from being touched on the important variables highlight the workers and their behavior in the holy shrines in Iraq in general, and in particular the Imam Ali Holy Shrine.


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How to Cite

رسل كريم كاظم. (2024). The effect of the quality of work life on the psychological empowerment of workers - an exploratory study in the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali/Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 13(53), 196–171. Retrieved from