The impact of The application of the international Standard for the quality of Training ISO 10015 To reduce Production Costs


  • Abbas Sabah Taleb
  • Qais Makki Khalaf


ISO 10015, production costs, quality of training


The aim of the research is to determine the effect of the training programs on reducing production costs. The result is that increasing the training courses of the workers leads to reduction Production costs by reducing the number of units in the production process. This is explained by the data obtained from the training records and the production cost , The study concluded that the number of participants in the training courses is small compared to the size of the factory. The most important recommendations are the need to establish a special section for training and its introduction within the organizational structure of the factory.


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How to Cite

عباس صباح طالب, & قيس مكي خلف. (2024). The impact of The application of the international Standard for the quality of Training ISO 10015 To reduce Production Costs. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 14(58), 240–225. Retrieved from