Strategic leadership and its role in achieving the components of innovation -an exploratory study on a sample in the environment of Iraqi public and private banks in Karbala Governorate

an exploratory study on a sample in the environment of Iraqi public and private banks in Karbala Governorate


  • Lamia Ali Ibrahim
  • Maysa Saad Jawad


Strategic leadership, components of innovation


The purpose of this research is to know the role played by Strategies Entrepreneurship in their dimensions (creativity and innovation, risk tolerance, opportunity) in the achievement of the components of creativity (fluency, originality, flexibility and sense of problems) He provided theoretical foundations for the variables and for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research was built a hypothesis that determines the nature of the relationship and the impact between the variables, As the Strategies Entrepreneurship enables the organization to maintain its level and position in the market through the development and expansion of its business and ability to excel at competitors, while at the same time focus on the components of creativity within the bank to represent a tool that contribute to raising the quality of banking service and achieve a competitive advantage of banks strengthens their position With competitors thus achieving the largest market share possible, The study was conducted on a sample of Iraqi government and private banks to obtain the necessary information through a questionnaire  prepared for this purpose distributed to a sample of (8) banks. The number of respondents was(71) representing administrative leaders and employees at different levels, The study used a set of advanced statistical methods as simple and multiple correlation coefficients to measure correlation between variables, t, simple and multiple regression analysis, and (F), and (R2) was used to explain the effect of the independent variable in the dependent variable. A group of conclusions was the most important that there is a significant role of Strategies Entrepreneurship in the components of innovation in the banks surveyed and concluded the research with a set of recommendations, the most important intensification of the knowledge effort on the topics of modern management


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How to Cite

لمياء علي ابراهيم, & ميساء سعد جواد. (2024). Strategic leadership and its role in achieving the components of innovation -an exploratory study on a sample in the environment of Iraqi public and private banks in Karbala Governorate: an exploratory study on a sample in the environment of Iraqi public and private banks in Karbala Governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(59), 243–275. Retrieved from