The role Organization Reputation in Relationship between Virtuous Leadership and Organizational Prosperity

Analytical Survey Study of the views of a sample of Employees of Holy Husain Shrine


  • Yazen Salim Mohammed


Organization Reputation, Virtuous Leadership, Organizational Prosperity


     This research aims to determine the role Organization Reputation  in Relationship between Virtuous Leadership and Organizational Prosperity. Through applied in Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein. To achieve this, the dimensions of Virtuous Leadership (Courage, Temperance , Justice , Prudence , Humanity), versus The Organizational Prosperity for its dimensions (Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Innovation , Intellectual Capital , Organizational Agility).and support this Relationship is Organization Reputation for its dimensions (Innovation, social responsibility , Service Quality) . A random sample was selected from employees in Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein as a field of research through a questionnaire of (51) persons . The simple correlation coefficient (Spearman) and (t)  test were used to determine the significance of the correlation between the two variables, the F test to determine the significance of the regression model, R2 was also used to determine the relative amount that the independent variable contributes to the interpretation of the dependent variable and as a percentage. The most prominent conclusion reached by the researchers is the existence of an active and moral role of Virtuous Leadership in Organizational Prosperity Through Organization Reputation  . The research concluded with a number of recommendations, including Focus on Virtuous Leadership by management of Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein because generally it important factor in its work and specially in Organizational Prosperity.


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How to Cite

يزن سالم محمد. (2024). The role Organization Reputation in Relationship between Virtuous Leadership and Organizational Prosperity: Analytical Survey Study of the views of a sample of Employees of Holy Husain Shrine. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(60), 257–294. Retrieved from