Measuring investors’ tendencies and their impact on investment returns in securities

an applied study in the Iraqi Stock Exchange “banking sector” for the period 2007-2017


  • alaa mohasen motlaq Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Ali Ahmed Fares Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


stock returns, emotion, intuition, mood, investor sentiment


The study aims at interpreting and analyzing investor sentiment in order to predict the prices of future securities and to achieve additional returns by studying the historical data of the banking sector in the Iraqi market for securities through several indicators such as volume index, index of number of traded shares, index of number of contracts, The level of return as psychological studies support the existence of the impact of many factors on the mood, such as weather, events and others, which in turn will affect the decisions of investors in the Iraqi market for securities,
the study was based on the theoretical dilemma of continuing intellectual debate And the theoretical conflict between the advocates of traditional financial theories and defenders of the theory of behavioral finance, and the problem of the application of the lack of interest in the tendencies of investors that affect the investment decisions suffered by investors in the Iraqi market for securities when they take the investment decision also tries to highlight the most important evidence proved by The ideas and elements of the behavioral approach, which added psychological and social behavioral variables that affect the decision-making process in order to predict the movements and performance of the financial markets.
The study used a series of statistical, financial analyzes, and tests using the statistical program Spss & Excel. The study reached a set of conclusions the most important of which are: Investor sentiment affect the returns on investment in securities. The study has taken many recommendations, the most important of which is to avoid investing in times that show negative effects on the market movement due to the investor sentiment. Maip or seasonal follow the market moves cautiously to avoid the expected loss.

Author Biography

Ali Ahmed Fares , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

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How to Cite

علاء محسن مطلق, & علي احمد فارس. (2024). Measuring investors’ tendencies and their impact on investment returns in securities: an applied study in the Iraqi Stock Exchange “banking sector” for the period 2007-2017. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(61), 147–170. Retrieved from