The application of some axes model performance evaluation and institutional (EFQM) to improve the quality of functionality

case study in the Ministry of higher education


  • Sameer Kamil Al-Khteeb الكلية التقنية الادارية/ الجامعة التقنية الوسطى/ تقنيات إدارة الجــودة الشاملة
  • Sarah Musa Fayad الكلية التقنية الادارية/ الجامعة التقنية الوسطى/ تقنيات إدارة الجــودة الشاملة


evaluation of organizational performance, improve quality functionality, EFQM


highlights distinguish organizations day of its ability to improve the quality of their performance career constantly to keep up with changes rapidly, among the models for the evaluation of modern is a model of the institution European quality management (EFQM) (european foundation of quality management), who has been applied at this search.

Problem: is the problem of search not to the presence of evaluation of a real accurate the performance of the Ministry sample is under which the diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses .. and work on enhancing the first and reduce or cancel the second, which improves the quality of functionality.

Objectives: the most prominent the objectives of the search is a system to evaluate the performance in the Ministry sample to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the current down to opportunities for improvement appropriate to reduce the gap or cancel. Sample search: the Center of the Ministry of higher education.

Curriculum and styles available: adopted a search on approach search case (case study), and designed researchers scheme procedural to search guarantee the two-part, the first part model performance evaluation and institutional (EFQM) was measured lists of examination (checklists) of the institution European quality management, the second part ensure improving the quality of functionality as adopted researchers by-resolution, which included proposals improvement that have been distributed on a sample of departments the upper and Central team quality to find out how with it, as well as the methods of statistical other using the program (spss.23).

The most prominent results: shows the results that the ratio of the gap college that come to an existing examination for model performance evaluation and institutional (EFQM) of (49%), as for the ratio of the agreement with the proposals for improving the quality of functionality has reached the proportion of the deal with it (97%) showed the results of styles and statistical used to find that there are the role of the application form and evaluation of organizational performance in improving the quality of functionality.

Author Biography

Sameer Kamil Al-Khteeb, الكلية التقنية الادارية/ الجامعة التقنية الوسطى/ تقنيات إدارة الجــودة الشاملة

استاذ دكتور 


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المخطط الاجرائي للبحث



How to Cite

سمير كامل الخطيب, & سارة موسى فياض. (2024). The application of some axes model performance evaluation and institutional (EFQM) to improve the quality of functionality : case study in the Ministry of higher education. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(61), 25–45. Retrieved from