Analysis of the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction: (A field study in the General Company for Mechanical Industries)


  • Abbas Hussein Jawad Dean of the College of Administration and Economics - University of Babylon
  • Kamel Shakir College of Administration and Economics - University of Babylon


Motivation, job satisfaction


The multiplicity of types of incentives and the diversity of employees' goals and motivations and their change and fluctuation from time to time makes the issue of choosing the appropriate and effective incentive a real problem for the organization's management. Despite the importance and sensitivity of this aspect, industrial sector companies in general, including the company under study in particular, have not given this issue the attention it deserves, as programs are often developed to motivate employees without taking into consideration the impact of these programs on employee satisfaction. It is customary to grant employees the same or equal incentives, despite the differences in educational and skill levels among them. Based on the importance of the topic of employee motivation and job satisfaction on the one hand, and the importance of the General Company for Mechanical Industries in Alexandria at the country level, in providing agricultural supplies on the other hand, this study came to address, through research and analysis, the impact of employee motivation policy on the level of job satisfaction in the aforementioned company, and to identify the level of employee satisfaction with the approved incentive programs and to know the degrees of preference of employees in the aforementioned company for types of incentives, and to identify the factors that can contribute to increasing the level of employee satisfaction in the event that the concerned company takes care of them or provides them to them.

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How to Cite

عباس حسين جواد, & كامل شكير. (2024). Analysis of the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction: (A field study in the General Company for Mechanical Industries). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 1(2), 53–88. Retrieved from