Possibility of Establishing Investment Funds In Iraq to Enhance The Efficiency of The Security Market


  • Kamal Kazem Jawad
  • Jihad Faisal Jihad


Security Market, Mutual Funds, Banks, Investors


      Investment funds are one of the most widely recognized financial innovations in the world, By offering opportunities to investors who do not have the financial resources, experience or time to enter the securities market. The study aims at showing the possibility of setting up investment funds in Iraq and stimulating the financial markets to establish investment funds and motivate investors individuals or institutions to enter into investment funds and benefit from the expertise and skills of the managers of these funds, which contributes to enhancing the efficiency of the stock market. The problem of the study was a set of main questions. Are the main requirements for banks to establish investment funds? Are there financial surpluses for investors to participate in investment funds?. Distribution of (25) form for both managers and investors in the Iraqi market for securities, the form distributed to bank managers a set of variables aimed at showing the availability of the main requirements of banks to establish investment funds, including (laws, financial resources, information technology, expertise, skills Administration, Human Resources). The investors' form also included a set of variables, including (the need for investment funds, financial resources, the financial position of investors, risk level, information technology). The forms were analyzed using the Excel program. A set of conclusions has been reached on whether the basic requirements for the establishment of investment funds in Iraq, whether in terms of laws, financial resources, information technology and technical expertise of fund management, are available, and that Iraqi investors are interested in dealing with investment funds because of their need. Finally, the study recommended the establishment of investment funds to diversify the investment areas in the funds through investment portfolios in various sectors to achieve the best returns to investors with less risk.


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How to Cite

كمال كاظم جواد الشمري, & جهاد فيصل جهاد الجليحاوي. (2024). Possibility of Establishing Investment Funds In Iraq to Enhance The Efficiency of The Security Market. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 15(62), 56–77. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/2220