The role of concurrent engineering technique in improving product quality

Applied research in the General Company for Southern Cement - Kufa Cement Factory


  • Salah Mahdi Alkawaz
  • Zahraa Abdul-Hamza Ali


Design for assembly, Design for manufacturability, Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Quality Function Deployment


   Concurrent engineering technology is one of the most important strategic techniques through which the economic unit can improve the quality of the product, which depends on the translation of the customer's voice according to its requirements in the product according to an organized methodology that determines the best way to achieve these requirements and then spread it through the stages of this technology, , Specifying its components to reach the processes that pave the stage for the planning of production, noting that the focus of the applied side of the research will be limited to the three phases of the technique of spreading the voice of the customer through.

Thus, the current research aims to study the technique above by applying in one of the laboratories of the General Company for Southern Cement, the Kufa Cement Factory in Najaf. In order to achieve this goal, the two researchers applied the data obtained from the reality of field coexistence and the distribution of questionnaires on the sample of the society (40).

The research reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that the Kufa Cement Factory suffers from the non-application of technologies to improve the value of the product and in return to meet the requirements of the customer and those techniques that the economic unit to achieve this goal is the concurrent engineering technology including tools including the deployment tool quality and design for assembly And manufacturing, so what is recommended by the research need to pay attention to those techniques.


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How to Cite

صلاح مهدي الكواز, & زهراء عبد الحمزة علي. (2024). The role of concurrent engineering technique in improving product quality : Applied research in the General Company for Southern Cement - Kufa Cement Factory. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(65), 120–143. Retrieved from