Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership in Enhancing Innovative Work Behavior for Employees

An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees of private colleges in the holy city of Karbala


  • Hussein Ali Abdullah Al-Qarghouli
  • Laila Mohsen Al-Hakim
  • Ahmed Abdullah Amana Al-Shammari


Entrepreneurial Leader, Proactive, Innovative behavior, Generating new ideas, Promotion and Implementation of Ideas


This study aims to define the role of entrepreneurial leader in Enhancing Innovative work behaviors for Employees in a sample of private colleges in the holy city of Karbala. To achieve this goal, the dimensions of the independent variable, Entrepreneurial leadership were adopted (Proactive, Innovativeness, Take risk) based on a group of writers and researchers, including (Bagheri&Pihie,2011:886). Dimensions of the dependent variable, Innovative work behavior (idea generation, idea promotion, idea implementation) were adopted based on a group of writers and researchers, including (Shahab&Imran,2018:162). A sample of private colleges was chosen as a field of research through a questionnaire that included (94) individuals from the staff of those colleges, as well as field interviews to answer any questions about the questionnaire questions.

As both were used the Data Normal Distribution Test and the Exploratory Factor Analysis, and the Correlation Coefficient (Pearson), the Test (F) to determine the significance of the regression equation, and (R2) was used to explain the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable .Among the most important conclusions reached by the study is that entrepreneurial leadership plays an active and Significant role in Enhancing the Innovative work behavior of workers in the educational environment. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which is the need to Enhancing the Entrepreneurial orientation of leaders of private colleges in order to provide an Innovative work climate for workers, which contributes to strengthening its strategic position in the Iraqi educational environment.


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How to Cite

حسين علي عبد الله القرغولي, ليلى محسن الحكيم, & احمد عبد الله امانة الشمري. (2024). Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership in Enhancing Innovative Work Behavior for Employees: An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees of private colleges in the holy city of Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 16(66), 254–278. Retrieved from