The Impact of organizational culture in promoting the elements of the Six S

Analytical study of the opinions of a selected sample of employees of Al-Khansa Teaching Hospital in Mosul


  • Sanaa Jasim Mohammed
  • Shahla Salem Khalil
  • Ahmed Abdul Sattar Talbi
  • Shahla Mahmood Edham


organizational culture,, , The Six Years (6S)


يThe research aims to determine the impact of organizational culture in enhancing the elements of (6S) in the organization, and by searching for the problem through the question that does the organizational culture contribute to strengthening the (6S) methodology in the researched organization, centering on whether there is an effect of organizational culture in promoting the elements of the six years (6S), and in light of this, the hypothesis scheme for the research was constructed and the research hypotheses emerged from it, and to test the validity of the hypotheses, data were collected through the questionnaire tool and prepared for this purpose, as a random sample was selected from the group of workers in various specialties in the hospital, which amounted to (50) Affiliated with the various departments of Al-Khansa Teaching Hospital in Mosul to be a sample for research, and the research reached a set of conclusions and recommendations.                                                    


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How to Cite

سناء جاسم محمد, شهلة سالم خليل, احمد عبد الستار, & شهلة محمود ادهام. (2024). The Impact of organizational culture in promoting the elements of the Six S: Analytical study of the opinions of a selected sample of employees of Al-Khansa Teaching Hospital in Mosul. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(67), 222–244. Retrieved from