التسويق الخفي ودوره في تعزيز الكفاءة التسويقية- دراسة استطلاعية في BDC MOLL / في محافظة بابل


  • Hasan Jabur Alwan


hidden marketing, marketing efficiency


 The organizations try hard to strive towards achieving quick and record profits through the use of the concept of hidden marketing or the so-called (ghost marketing) and since this type of marketing is unfamiliar and cannot be disclosed، and organizations may practice unethical acts in order to promote their products to a nuححخ0خ0هmber of Customers who do not have the ability to choose، so it was necessary for organizations to use modern means of communication in order to reach a large number of customers and entice them to buy their products as an effective tool in charting the desired path for marketing efficiency، thus moving away from the traditional promotional means that have become ineffective for organizations and achieve A kind of boredom، and therefore it became imperative to search for a marketing method that motivates the customer in the direction of the offered products and influences his purchasing decision as soon as possible، and thus enhances its marketing efficiency. Therefore، in our research this independent variable (hidden marketing) was addressed by one Eddah [deception، interference، persuasion] and marketing efficiency in its dimensions [marketing costs، customer satisfaction، marketing development] where this research was applied to an intentional sample of customers consisting of (66) customers and the research seeks to arrive at how to use (bdcmall) hidden marketing practices Which through these practices achieves efficiency in marketing its products. The research was based on the hypothesis that [there is a correlation relationship between hidden marketing in terms of its dimensions and marketing efficiency، and sub-hypotheses emerged from them. Marketing efficiency by defeating its competitors and coming out with the most important recommendations، the need to strengthen communication between marketing managers in [bdcmall] and customers to provide them with information on products that suit their contemporary needs


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How to Cite

حسن جبر علوان. (2024). التسويق الخفي ودوره في تعزيز الكفاءة التسويقية- دراسة استطلاعية في BDC MOLL / في محافظة بابل. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(67), 148–164. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/2029