The role of strategic flexibility in achieving strategic performance

An analytical study of the opinions of managers for a sample in Baghdad Civil Status Directorates (National Card Affairs Directorate)


  • Akrem Muhsin al-Yasiry
  • Milad Ghazi Barghash al-Mayahi


strategic flexibility, strategic performance


   The aim of this research is to determine the effect of strategic flexibility as an independent variable throughout its dimensions (human capital flexibility, information flexibility, and expansion flexibility) in achieving the strategic performance as a dependent variable by adopting three dimensions(customer, internal operations, growth and learning aspects), and starting from a major problem that was embodied through a question that is, what is the role of the strategic flexibility of the national card departments in achieving the strategic performance of these organizations? The descriptive analytical research approach has been adopted in presenting and interpreting research information, and the questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting data and information on an intended sample that includedspecialized department heads, divisional directors, officers, and personnel by issuing the national card within a sample of the Baghdad civil status directorates / al-Karrada al-Sharqya, New Baghdad, and Al-Sadr City (numbered 130) the number is reached to130.                                                                                                   

   The research has adopted exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis as basic  structural tests for the validity of the adopted standards, a set of descriptive statistical measures, Pearson correlation coefficient (Structural Equation Modeling) to measure influence relationships, these methods have been used by Excel statistical (Microsoft software Excel v.2010, SPSS v.24, Amos v.23).                                

   It was through the research that a set of recommendations was reached, the most important of which is that the National Card Affairs Directorate must pay more attention a great importance to strategic flexibility through the flexibility of human capital, the flexibility of information, and the flexibility of expansion due to its great role in achieving the strategic performance that will be reflected positively in the service of citizens.                                                                                    


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How to Cite

أكرم محسن الياسري, & ميلاد غازي برغش المياحي. (2024). The role of strategic flexibility in achieving strategic performance: An analytical study of the opinions of managers for a sample in Baghdad Civil Status Directorates (National Card Affairs Directorate). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(67), 1–32. Retrieved from