Estimate Bayes Robust of a parameter(β) for the second maximum likelihood of the standard Frechet distribution With

An applied study of Corona patients in Karbala Governorate


  • Mahdi Wahab Neaama Naser Allah Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Tamara Ali Ghany Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Great Possibility Class II (ML-II-), Lindley distribution, gama distribution


The study deals with the estimation of the parameter (B) of the Frechet distribution by using the hippocampal bay method depending on the pollutant class for the second greatest place (ML.II.ε) at two types of the standard base distribution and the contaminant base distribution, which is when the distribution is the standard basis and the contaminated distribution. The Kama distribution and when the standard baseline distribution and the contaminated base distribution is the Lindley distribution when a quadratic loss is indicative. The primary contaminant distribution is Lindley, and emphasizes that it should be used to estimate the parameters of the standard base distribution, the Freight distribution, compared to the pollutant gamma distribution.


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منحنى دالة الكثافة الاحتمالية لتوزيع فريچت بالمعلمات (α=1, β=2.046)



How to Cite

مهدي وهاب نعمة نصر الله, & تمارا علي غني. (2024). Estimate Bayes Robust of a parameter(β) for the second maximum likelihood of the standard Frechet distribution With: An applied study of Corona patients in Karbala Governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(68), 161–177. Retrieved from