دور الاستشراف الستراتيجي في تعزيز الأداء الريادي للمنظمات

دراسة تحليلية لآراء عينة من مديرين الاقسام والشعب في قيادة شرطة محافظة كربلاء


  • Mahmoud Fahd Abdel Ali Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Ahmed Kazem Abdullah Jabr Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Strategic Foresight, Entrepreneurial Performance


This study aims to identify the role of strategic foresight with its dimensions (capabilities of environmental surveying, capabilities of strategic choice, and capabilities of integration) in Entrepreneurial performance in its dimensions (creativity, risk, and proactive). As the study problem was determined by diagnosing the level of interest in its variables in the field. The importance of the study lies in the need to develop security and service work in the leadership of the police of Karbala Governorate because of its pivotal role in social, service and security life as it is one of the most vital pillars. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method in presenting, analyzing and interpreting study information. The study was conducted in the leadership of the police of Karbala province, and the study population reached (497) individuals from the departments and divisional directors of the leadership (officers). The data was collected by means of a questionnaire designed to rely on international standards after it was adapted to suit the Iraqi environment and subjected to the necessary validity and stability tests, which consisted of (34) paragraphs covering the two study variables. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of the study community, according to (220) questionnaire forms, and the retrieved questionnaire was (220) forms, i.e. a rate of retrieval (100%), and the valid forms for analysis were (220) forms. Two main hypotheses have been tested, from which a number of sub-hypotheses are branched to test the extent of the strategic foresight's impact on entrepreneurial performance at the level of the researched organization. The simple correlation coefficient, the natural distribution of data, and the application programs (Amos.V.20) (Spss.V, 23) necessary for analyzing and processing the data. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are: Strategic foresight is an effective means of removing ambiguity through Analyzing the internal and external environment in a way that leads to obtaining integrated information that contributes to raising the performance and the intellectual, administrative and security level in the leadership of the police of Karbala Governorate in achieving the pioneering performance during the future period. As it has achieved fewer results than the other dimensions of strategic foresight and by increasing communication with individuals and the community in general, and taking advantage of modern technologies, and emphasizing comprehensive surveys of the internal and external environment and reconsideration The tools and tools used in the environmental survey in line with its future aspirations to ensure achieving or reaching a Entrepreneurial performance


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المخطط الفرضي للدراسة



How to Cite

محمود فهد عبد علي, & احمد كاظم عبدالله جبر الحسناوي. (2024). دور الاستشراف الستراتيجي في تعزيز الأداء الريادي للمنظمات: دراسة تحليلية لآراء عينة من مديرين الاقسام والشعب في قيادة شرطة محافظة كربلاء. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(68), 63–81. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/2000