The effect of ethical leadership on workforce agility

بحث تحليلي لآراء عينة من الموظفيـــن في دائـــرة صحة كربلاء


  • Meethaq Hatif Alfatlawy
  • Sara Hameed Naama


ethical leadership, workforce agility, Karbala Health Department.


This study aimed to identify the extent of the impact of the ethical leadership behaviors of department heads, administrative divisions, and technicians in achieving the workforce agility of Karbala Health Department employees.  Ethical leadership is measured by means of a one-dimensional scale that consists of ten paragraphs to measure. As for the workforce agility  it was measured through three dimensions (proactivity, adaptability and Flexibility). Data and information from a sample of (291) employees working in the Karbala Health Department, and a set of statistical methods were adopted to analyze data and test hypotheses. Ethical and humane interaction with employees through respect, good treatment, and social communication with them, as well as moral discipline towards the application of instructions to everyone without distinction, which leads to the achievement of agility in all areas of work in the department


أولا: المصادر العربيــة

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How to Cite

ميثاق هاتف الفتلاوي, & ســارة حميد نعمة. (2024). The effect of ethical leadership on workforce agility: بحث تحليلي لآراء عينة من الموظفيـــن في دائـــرة صحة كربلاء. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 18(71), 1–28. Retrieved from