Employing the relationship between knowledge management, customer relationship management, and marketing within an integrated framework-with reference to Iraqi business organizations


  • Adel Hadi Al-Baghdadi Administrative Technical College - Baghdad


Knowledge management, customer relationship management


Business organizations have adopted new approaches to take over the whole market through increasing competitiveness. Such approaches and procedures are penalizing organizations to enter a new market which leads them to get an additional market share. An Integrated CRM with knowledge management is the new coming reality, interactively with marketing activities. Which effect on organizations' performance and customer loyalty as a consequence and outcomes of such interactiveness? Without capturing customer information and transferring it to knowledge that creates value in goods and services that are produced. Thus, this philosophical study comes over to produce a conceptual approach for Integrating relations among knowledge management with CRM steps by providing a lot of information about customers where their satisfaction is a target goal.

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How to Cite

عادل هادي البغدادي. (2024). Employing the relationship between knowledge management, customer relationship management, and marketing within an integrated framework-with reference to Iraqi business organizations. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 5(19), 32–67. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/1924