Study and evaluation of the incentive system in the General Company for Textile Industries/Babylon


  • Ali Karim Abdel Salem Al Khafaji College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


Incentive system


Contemporary management seeks to find appropriate means to integrate individuals working in the organization and to sustain and develop their performance. Among the most important means of achieving these goals is motivation, which represents an external means of satisfying needs or motives. Designing an effective system of incentives in general and cash or material incentives in particular has its basic requirements represented by the necessity of a balance between the efforts exerted by individual workers and the returns received, or a balance between performance according to scientific and objective standards and the returns received by individual workers (Porter & Lawder, 1967). From this standpoint, any imbalance or imbalance in these aspects will lead to the ineffectiveness of the incentive system, which will have an impact on the motivations of working individuals towards their work, as some studies have indicated that individuals who receive less than their efforts or performance often have negative feelings towards work. And the organization because they are rewarded at a level lower than their entitlement (under rewarded), while the working individuals who receive more than their efforts or performance will have a feeling of guilt because they took the share of others (Lock, E.A. 1928). From the above it is clear to us that the basis or starting points The idea behind designing an effective incentive system is as follows: 1 - Justice in the system (balancing between efforts - performance - return) 2 - The system’s ability to motivate working individuals to raise their performance at work. 3- The ability of working individuals to control performance. From these standpoints, the research will focus on the cash incentive system in the company and the general textile industries in Babylon.



How to Cite

علي كريم عبد سالم الخفاجي. (2024). Study and evaluation of the incentive system in the General Company for Textile Industries/Babylon. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 4(17), 40–74. Retrieved from