A proposed framework for the application of cloud accounting in light of information technology as an entry point to achieve the quality of financial reporting


  • Amal Mohammed Salman Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Nahla Aubaice Talal جامعة الفرات الاوسط التقنية ، المعهد التقني كربلاء


cloud accounting, information technology, quality of financial reporting


The research aims to study the application of cloud accounting and its impact on the quality of financial reporting in the light of information technology ,To achieve the objectives of the research, the descriptive analytical method was used to analyze the research variables. A questionnaire was prepared to collect the data by distributing (90) questionnaires to the research sample, and (72) valid questionnaires were retrieved for statistical analysis, and after conducting the analysis using the statistical analysis packages (SPSS-23), the results of the research showed a positive statistically significant effect at the significance level (0.05) for all variables, and the study concluded a number of conclusions, the most important of which are, The use of modern technologies in the field of accounting and auditing can affect the confidence of users of financial reports, as the shift from periodic reports to real-time reports. The new generation of smart devices and modern technologies contributed to the tendency of companies (commercial banks) to make the application of accounting work through the Internet and communications. Cloud accounting information systems contribute to achieving cost savings and enjoy ease, as the costs associated with information technology can be reduced by using The cloud, and cost flexibility as it is linked to an effective number of users. The application of the proposed framework enhances the quality of financial reporting in light of information technology through its contribution to meeting the requirements of IFRS financial reporting standards. The use of cloud computing technology allows accountants or business owners to communicate their financial affairs from Any place and any time over the Internet where servers that provide services via communication devices and the Internet are used

Author Biographies

Amal Mohammed Salman, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

مدرس دكتورة

Nahla Aubaice Talal , جامعة الفرات الاوسط التقنية ، المعهد التقني كربلاء

مدرس دكتور 


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How to Cite

امل محمد سلمان التميمي, & نهلة عبيس طلال الشمري. (2024). A proposed framework for the application of cloud accounting in light of information technology as an entry point to achieve the quality of financial reporting. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(75), 288–311. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/1881