Using the (Topp Leone G-Family) rule to build the probability distributions function


  • Kanaan A.A. AL-Qraishy Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Shrook A.S AL-Sabbah Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


(Topp Leone), (Topp Leon G-family) (الامكان الاعظـم MLE), (المربعات الصغرى الموزونة (WLS), (طريقة التقليص Shrinkage) (Rayleigh Rayleigh distribution)


The (Topp Leone) distribution, the (Rayleigh) distribution. Are among the continuous distributions that are use in the analysis of survival and failure functions and reliability. This study used the (Topp Leone distribution) as a base for constructing a proposed probability distribution by adding a shape parameter to the (Expanding Rayleigh) distribution. It called (Topp Leon G-Rayleigh Rayleigh distribution (TLG-RR)). It is an extension and generalization of the (Rayleigh distribution).This study extracted some basic characteristics of the distribution, and estimate this distribution parameters and reliability function were estimated by three different estimation methods, such as (the greatest potential (MLE), weighted least squares (WLS) and the Shrinkage method. The study applied to real data for printer devices, and the study was able to prove that the proposed distribution (TLG-RR) is better in representing this data By using good conformance tests (AIC, AICc). And the best method for estimation is (shrinkage method), Depending on statistical criteria (Mse, IMse).                                            

Author Biographies

Kanaan A.A. AL-Qraishy , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University



Shrook A.S AL-Sabbah , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ دكتورة

قسم الاحصاء


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المواقع الالكترونية

- http://


دالة الكثافة الاحتمالية pdf ودالة التوزيع التراكمية cdf  لتوزيع (TLG-RR)



How to Cite

كنعان عدنان احمد القريشي, & شروق عبد الرضا سعيد. (2024). Using the (Topp Leone G-Family) rule to build the probability distributions function . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(75), 142–164. Retrieved from