The effect of cognitive models of strategic flexibility on sustainable strategic performance


  • Zainab Thaer Tawfeeq Alharbi Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Ahmed Kadhum Breas Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Cognitive models of strategic flexibility, sustainable strategic performance


     The study aimed to test the effect of cognitive models of strategic resilience on sustainable strategic performance. The Al-Furat State Company for Chemical Industries and Pesticides in Babil Governorate was selected as the field for this study. Data was collected through a questionnaire. The study sample included (115) decision-makers in the company. The data was analyzed by benefiting from the statistical program (SPSS, V.23), and a set of statistical methods were used to process the data, including (descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, and gradient multiple regression analysis). The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: the adoption of rational corrective measures by the company's leaders (reaction) in the field of responding to environmental changes rather than being rationally proactive.

Author Biographies

Zainab Thaer Tawfeeq Alharbi , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


قسم ادارة اعمال

Ahmed Kadhum Breas, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

أستاذ دكتور 

قسم ادارة الاعمال



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How to Cite

زينب ثائر توفيق الحربي, & ا. د أحمد كاظم بريس. (2024). The effect of cognitive models of strategic flexibility on sustainable strategic performance . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(77), 117–139. Retrieved from