The role of the hybrid manufacturing system in promoting strategic success

An exploratory analytical study in the General Company for Rubber Industries and Tires in Al-Najaf Governorate


  • Hind Abdulzahra Neamah Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Mahmood Fahad abed Ali Al-Dulaimi Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


hybrid manufacturing system, strategic success


This study aimed to demonstrate the impact of the hybrid manufacturing system in enhancing strategic success at the level of the study sample. In order to achieve this, the variable of the hybrid manufacturing system was measured in four sub-dimensions (continuous improvement, waste management, supply chain information sharing, and the point of delay). Strategic success was measured With four sub-dimensions (survival, adaptation, growth, continuous learning), the study started with a problem about the nature of the relationship between its variables in the field, and the most important of them was (what is the level of the hybrid manufacturing system in the researched company, what is the level of strategic success in the researched company) where the study community included the company The General Company for Rubber Industries and Tires in Al-Najaf Governorate, and the study sample reached (172) individuals from the employees of the General Company for Rubber Industries and Tires in Al-Najaf Governorate, who numbered 310 individuals. Hybrid manufacturing system and strategic success.

Author Biographies

Hind Abdulzahra Neamah, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


قسم ادارة الاعمال

Mahmood Fahad abed Ali Al-Dulaimi, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ دكتور 

قسم ادارة الاعمال


المصادر العربية

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المخطط الفرضي للدراسة



How to Cite

هند عبد الزهرة نعمة, & Al-Dulaimi م. ف. ع. ع. . (2024). The role of the hybrid manufacturing system in promoting strategic success: An exploratory analytical study in the General Company for Rubber Industries and Tires in Al-Najaf Governorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(77), 99–116. Retrieved from