The effect of credit strategies on market value using a model (ARIMA): An applied study of a sample of Iraqi commercial banks


  • Hashim Muhammad Murtada College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala
  • Janan Mahdi Shahid College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala
  • Ali Hussein Oleiwi College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala


: credit strategies, market value, ARIMA model.


The research aims to measure and analyze the credit strategies of banks. The research sample is commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, where (14) banks were selected for a time series of (19) years, for the years (2004-2022) in the banking sector, and data and information were obtained. It is necessary to research from the reports published in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and the Securities Commission regarding credit strategies (loan concentration, loan growth, market share, banking stability) and regarding the market value (closing stock prices and stock price) of the commercial banks, the study sample, where the data was analyzed. Credit strategies and market value in terms of forecasting using the (ARIMA) model via the EViews.v12 program and in terms of the relationship with a statistical impact via the Excel 2019 program. The researcher reached a number of conclusions, perhaps the most important of which is the existence of a statistically significant impact relationship for credit strategies in... Market value.


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How to Cite

هاشم محمد مرتضى, جنان مهدي شهيد, & علي حسين عليوي. (2024). The effect of credit strategies on market value using a model (ARIMA): An applied study of a sample of Iraqi commercial banks. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(80), 17–30. Retrieved from