Role of information technology in the development of human capital survey of the views of a sample in the Telecommunications Company (Asia Cell) Karbala



Information technology, human capital


The information Technology is considered from the contemporary ways which aim to getting the information for the benefit sides with high accuracy and with the exact time because its importance to the organizations especially for the organizations of works. The complex environment , the high competence and the high changing in all fields, all of that make the organizations work for getting better for efficiency in order to getting its aims in competence. We will take the limits of the Information Technology as independent change ( materials and machines, programs, communications, Human resources), the independent change is the human capital (Knowledge, experiences, efficiency, creativity) . According to that, the research take it as a description and analysis to make the administrators have their ability for these subjects. In order to make our organization have its ability for facing the changes in the field of the information technology, so this study depending on indicates and the static tests and according to that we pointed some of field and theoretical results, like the clear example on the effects on the information technology on the human capital and the changing on organization ways into the human capital through the exercising programs. About the most instructions are; the company determine its needs from the human capital which had the efficiency and the high experiences that fit with the work needs of the company .

Author Biography

Ali Abdulhassan Abbas Al-Fatlawi, College of Administration and Economics - University of Karbala

I have a master’s degree from the University of Karbala College of Administration and Economics in Production Management and Operations in 2005. I also obtained a Ph.D. from Karbala University, College of Administration and Economics in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management in 2014. I currently work at Karbala University, College of Administration and Economics in the Accounting Department. I have taught many subjects in my specific area, as well as in other areas. I have also taught Financial Management for postgraduate studies. I have translated 4 books on business administration into Arabic. I have numerous research papers published in local and international journals.

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How to Cite

Al-Fatlawi ع. ع. ا. ع. ح. (2024). Role of information technology in the development of human capital survey of the views of a sample in the Telecommunications Company (Asia Cell) Karbala. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 7(30), 253–267. Retrieved from