The Role of Strategic Capital in Entrepreneurial performance

(An exploratory analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers of the Mobile Communications Company in Iraq (Asiacell))


  • akram alyasiry Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Adel Abbas Abdel Hussein Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Khamael Kamel Mohammed


strategic capital, leadership performance, , mobile communications company in Iraq, Asia cell


This research mainly aims to determine the role of strategic capital and pioneering performance at the level of the sample from all branches of the Mobile Communications Company in Iraq, Asia cell, based on a main problem that was diagnosed by several questions that included the extent to which the influence relations between variables are perceived in the field, and to root the philosophical foundations, the research adopted In measuring strategic capital and entrepreneurial performance, there are several measures, and the descriptive analytical approach has been used mainly in presenting, analyzing and interpreting information, and the questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting research data and information, as well as some personal interviews with the sample members who were represented by a group of managers in all branches The company is a sample of the research, as their number reached (169) individuals, distributed among heads of departments, administrative divisions and supervisors. For the purpose of statistical analysis and treatment, the research relied on confirmatory factor analysis as basic structural tests for the validity of the approved standards. Strategic leadership performance.

Author Biographies

akram alyasiry, Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ دكتور 

قسم ادارة الاعمال

Adel Abbas Abdel Hussein , Economics and Administration College - Karbala University

استاذ مساعد دكتور

قسم ادارة الاعمال

Khamael Kamel Mohammed



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How to Cite

اكرم محسن, عادل عباس, & خمائل كامل محمد. (2024). The Role of Strategic Capital in Entrepreneurial performance: (An exploratory analytical study of the opinions of a sample of managers of the Mobile Communications Company in Iraq (Asiacell)). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 19(76), 1–22. Retrieved from