The role of some personality factors for decision makers in the effectiveness of career planning for Aajidrash reconnaissance in the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies in Nineveh


  • maysoun abdullah ahmed College of Administration and Economics - University of Mosul


Personal factors for decision makers, strategic planning


This research aims to identify the role of some personality factors for decision makers in the effectiveness of career planning for employees, in the light of a prospective study of a sample of employees of the Company for the pharmaceutical industry in Nineveh, who were randomly selected from workers in the various sections of this company. And access to achieve the objective of this research was designed questionnaire form for this purpose I came back, and distributed to the respondents, who numbered (58). After analyzing the total data obtained taking advantage of the coefficient of rank correlation for the (Spearman) and Chi-Square, which was preceded by the provision of theoretical framework prepared by Albagesana to benefit from views of the book on the concepts of personal factors (inherited and acquired), and career planning, reached Albagesana to a number of results , which was in the light of crystallization by matching of the conclusions, perhaps the most important: the possibility to say about career planning, as a variable with significant influence in the lives of workers job is to achieve its objectives in the light of the appropriate between the needs of the individual and the needs of the organization, and that as he went by the book in theoretical frameworks for human resources management since the start of interest in the subject. In the light of, inter conclusions, most notably that the factor (sex) of the personal factors, which showed that he does not have a link in the career planning for employees, at both the individual and organizational, showed the rest of the factors, their importance and their role in the effectiveness of career planning, as well as shown by the analysis of Chi-Square of incompatibility factor sex with planning the path, while compatibility with other factors, and this applies to the sample surveyed, and in light of the findings presented Albagesana proposals, which emphasize the importance of Ablane subject personal factors of the factors related to work (patterns of personal decision-makers and to participate in training courses , and rehabilitation science, and the number of movements and rotation of personnel in the work), as well as factors related to characteristics of the demographic of the individual represented by (age), and career planning appropriate attention by managers and employees together, to promote the achievement of the desired goal of planning the path for those working in the field of respondent.



How to Cite

ميسون عبدالله احمد. (2024). The role of some personality factors for decision makers in the effectiveness of career planning for Aajidrash reconnaissance in the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies in Nineveh. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 7(29), 182–218. Retrieved from