Unemployment in Iraq, the reality and its consequences


  • Hoda Zuwayr Al-Daami University of Karbala
  • Ahmed Bahed Taqi Technical Institute - Karbala


The unemployment


Unemployment is a negative, unhealthy phenomenon with psychological and humanitarian dimensions and has unlimited bad economic, social and political effects and repercussions on all segments of society. Given the worsening political and economic situation in Iraq, it has had a negative impact on the well-being of society. The armies of the unemployed have led to serious repercussions on society, especially young people. We must pay attention here to the fact that this phenomenon has adverse effects and repercussions on society, and that the failure to find radical solutions to this The scourge, or at least alleviating it, will make this phenomenon more like a time bomb capable of exploding at any moment, not to mention that it is a factor of instability in Iraq.



How to Cite

هدى زوير الدعمي, & احمد باهض تقي. (2024). Unemployment in Iraq, the reality and its consequences. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 4(14), 148–179. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.uokerbala.edu.iq:8443/index.php/ijas/article/view/1654