The impact of talent management processes in reducing employee turnover An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers in the Central Bank of Iraq


  • Maryam Hamid Yaseen Technical College of Management / Baghdad_Middle Technical University


talent management, employee turnover, Central Bank of Iraq


The research aims to measure the extent of the impact of talent management processes in reducing employee turnover in the  Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), because these two variables have an impact on the growth and stability of organizations, to clarify this relationship, the questionnaire was adopted as a tool for collecting data from the purposive study sample consisting of (113) Respondents from senior and middle management and their assistants at the CBI, and the response rate constituted (90%) of the questionnaires distributed. All questionnaires were subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS program, relying on (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient, and simple regression analysis), and adopting a descriptive survey research approach to prove that the talent management processes in the CBI role in reducing employee turnover. Holding ongoing internal workshops and seminars to enhance the value of talent within the CBI to retain talent was suggested.


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How to Cite

مريم حامد ياسين. (2024). The impact of talent management processes in reducing employee turnover An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers in the Central Bank of Iraq . Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 136–146. Retrieved from