The impact of lean manufacturing practices in improving environmental performance (Analytical research of the opinions of a sample of employees at the General Company for Automotive Industry, Alexandria/Babylon)



manufacturing, environmental performance


The research seeks to test the impact of lean manufacturing and its contribution to improving environmental performance، The research presented a theoretical framework for lean manufacturing and environmental performance, then the relationship between them was analyzed through the opinions of a sample of employees at the General Company for Automotive Industry/Alexandria، The researcher distributed (216) questionnaires to a number of employees in the company under research, and (215) questionnaires were retrieved, of which (192) were valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (89%), as the data was analyzed using the statistical program, (SPSS v، 27), and the research reached a set of conclusions, including (the availability of lean manufacturing and environmental performance in the General Company for Automotive Manufacturing/Alexandria, the research sample)، Based on these conclusions, the researcher presented a set of recommendations, including (calling on the company’s management to pay more attention to lean manufacturing due to its effective role in improving environmental performance and ensuring survival, growth and development).


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How to Cite

ياسر محمود فهد, احمد كاظم بريس, & محمد تركي عبدالعباس. (2024). The impact of lean manufacturing practices in improving environmental performance (Analytical research of the opinions of a sample of employees at the General Company for Automotive Industry, Alexandria/Babylon). Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 69–91. Retrieved from