Role of the Leader’s Strategic Mindset in enhancing High involvement Management Practices


  • Hussein Jaafar Ghanem Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Alaa Farhan Talib Economics and Administration College - Karbala University


Leader's Strategic Mindset, High involvement Management Practices, HIM, China Petroleum Pipeline Corporation, CPP


The study aimed to explore the role of the strategic mindset of leaders in enhancing high involvement management practices at the China Petroleum Pipeline(CPP)company in Basra Province. The strategic mindset of leaders was measured through three dimensions: systemic thinking, reframing,and reflection.The high involvement management practices were measured through four dimensions: empowerment, information sharing, development practices, and rewards. A questionnaire was used as the primary data collection tool, involving a sample of 200 employees (Iraqi, Arab, and foreign) in the studied company. the research yielded several results, with the most prominent being the existence of a significant positive relationship between the leader's strategic mindset variable and the high involvement management practices variable. The study recommended that the company's management increase its focus on the dimensions of the leader's strategic mindset, as it would enable them to achieve success and innovation in the organization's prosperity and growth in a highly competitive environment.


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How to Cite

حسين جعفر غانم, & علاء فرحان طالب. (2024). Role of the Leader’s Strategic Mindset in enhancing High involvement Management Practices. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 31–52. Retrieved from