The Role of Marketing Information Systems in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage


  • Ali Fadhil Jebur Al yousife Economics and Administration College - Karbala University
  • Nabila Abass Abrahim Commerce College, University of Alexandria
  • Bareq Fadhil Jebur Commerce College, University of Alexandria


marketing information systems, sustainable competitive advantage


The goal of the research is to determine the role of marketing information systems through the dimensions (equipment, software, communication networks, knowledge workers) in sustainable competitive advantage through the dimensions (flexibility, efficiency, cost) in the ready-made garments factory in Najaf Governorate, and through measuring the impact and testing the relationship. Between the concept of marketing information systems and sustainable competitive advantage, the descriptive analysis approach was adopted, and the field study (46) questionnaires was distributed to the staff in the ready-made garments factory in Najaf Governorate, and statistical programs were used to prove the validity of the research hypothesis related to the relationship. And the effect between the two research variables. A questionnaire form was relied upon as a means of obtaining and analyzing data, and conclusions were reached. Marketing information systems contribute to providing information about all levels and activities of the organization and work to preserve and retrieve it when needed, in addition to its contribution to making decisions accurately and in a faster time, thus reducing possible errors. Their occurrence, as for the recommendations, was the necessity of paying attention to marketing information systems for all levels within the company and increasing performance and development.


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How to Cite

علي فاضل جبر اليوسفي, نبيلة عباس إبراهيم, & بارق فاضل جبر. (2024). The Role of Marketing Information Systems in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 20(79), 19–30. Retrieved from