The Effect of Human Resource Flexibility in Promoting High Performance

An Analytical Survey Study in the Middle Euphrates Environment Protection and Improvement Directorate


  • Ahmed Abdullah Amanah
  • Ali Mugheer Nasr


flexibility of human resources, flexibility of human resource management practices, high performance, continuous improvement


     This research sought to determine the impact of human resource flexibility in enhancing high performance by application in our Iraqi governmental organizations, and in order to achieve this, the dimensions of human resource flexibility, represented by (skill flexibility, behavior flexibility, flexibility of human resource management practices). The dimensions of high performance represented by (quality of management, openness and effective orientation, long-term commitment, continuous improvement, quality of work forces). As the research problem was represented by the question (Is there a role for human resource flexibility in enhancing the higher performance of the organization, the study sample?), as the Department of Environmental Protection and Improvement of the Middle Euphrates was chosen as a field for research through a form A questionnaire that included (89) members of the department, in addition to personal interviews. The correlation coefficient (Spearman) and (t) test were used to know the significance of the relationship between the variables, and the (F) test to determine the significance of the regression equation, and (R2) was also used to explain the amount of the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The most prominent results of the research were the presence of significant correlation and influence relationships between its variables, and the study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that having flexible human resources helps in achieving high performance in the study community. As for the most prominent recommendations that came out of the study, it is the necessity of enhancing the dimensions of human resource flexibility in the Department of Environmental Improvement in the Middle Euphrates and continuing to work on holding courses and conferences and designing programs that support this field in the department of the study community in order to sustain its high performance.


اولاً: المصادر العربية

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How to Cite

احمد عبد الله امانة الشمري, & علي مغير نصر. (2024). The Effect of Human Resource Flexibility in Promoting High Performance: An Analytical Survey Study in the Middle Euphrates Environment Protection and Improvement Directorate. Iraqi Journal for Administrative Sciences, 17(69), 209–236. Retrieved from